The Ministry of Truth sends it's most earnest birhtday greetings to one of the People's Heroes, Dear Leader Kim Jong Il. Kim Jong Il has led the workers paradise of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) to become the most prosperous country in the world! He is a champion against the hated Amerikkkan kapitalist pig dog scum who believe in such nonsensical ideas as personal responsibility, individualism, and property ownership. When will the evil Amerikkkans wake up and realize that all persons must serve all other persons and that The Party is the only true way to prosperity for all! That is our struggle comrades, and with Dear Leader Kim Jong Il fighting the good fight against kapitalism and individuality eventually we will prevail!
He has shown his cunning with this latest 'deal' with the Amerikkkans about stopping the People's right to arm themselves with nuclear weapons against the kapitalists. This shows how foolish the kapitalists are! They do not even realize that Glorious Uber Comrade HRC's husband did this very thing in the nineties, and Dear Leader showed them! He took their appeasement offerings and went on developing the Nuclear Weapons of the People! Ha ha! Foolish Kapitalists! Keep sending your tithe to the DPRK, and Dear Leader will use your kapitalist exploitation units against you for the betterment of The Party!